Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tips for Buying a Quality Dining Table

A dining table is of the most widely used items in any home, and with wood dining tables costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars consumers need be aware of what they are really buying. Why do prices vary so greatly, and what should one stay away from when shopping? For an item used as much as a table, it is about far more than just the look, one must also strongly consider core material, construction, finish, maintenance & care to name a few. Here we break down the most important factors to help make a purchasing decision.

Tip 1 - Buy 100% Wood: Remember the dining table is one of the most used pieces of furniture in your home, it will need to be more durable, and most often times child resistant. For this reason, go with 100% wood, specifically pine is very durable, relatively inexpensive and its style and charm is universal for any home. Alternatively, oak, chestnut and walnut are also highly durable woods, however heavier than pine, expect extra costs associated with these denser wood types. The trick here is to not be fooled into buying a table that looks like 100% wood, but is actually made with veneers, medium density fiberboard (MDF), or particleboard. The reason to stay away from these lesser quality materials is that they are far more prone to chips, scratches, thus a shorter life span than tables made from 100% solid wood, such as oak or pine. In addition, cleaning solutions, such as water, can often, damage veneer and particleboard if not cared for properly. A well built solid wood table should last generations, prepare accordingly by buying one made from the longest lasting materials.

Tip 2 - Ensure Durable Finishes: The finish will be paramount to the table's longevity and charm, as this is the frontline defense against dings, scratches and chips. For this reason, stay away from veneers as they can easily separate or chip, which inevitably will happen with an item as widely used a dining table. As a result, this will lead to a shortened life span for your table. It is recommended to go with a dining table with multiple coats of stain, or paint finishes. Specifically, the more layers of finish that are applied, the more of a barrier you will have to protect your investment. It is the finishing process, and multiple layers, which are your true defense against scratches, stains, and water marks, which in turn will maintain your table's charm, and keep it looking like new. A true farm table is American made, built from reclaimed wood, and thus eco friendly. For authenticity purposes, ask where the manufacturing & finishing take place, and if their materials are eco friendly.

Tip 3 - Check Maintenance and Care: Always ask what the cleaning and maintenance instructions are for your table. This can be a tell tale sign of the materials used and the steps taken during the finishing process. For example, on Pottery Barn's "Wood Furniture Care & Cleaning Instructions" page, and it warns "do not use soap, water, or wax." As a buyer, this should raise questions about both materials and finishes being used. A well-made and durable wood dining table should not stain, should be resistant to both wet and dry marks, and should be able to be cleaned by only water or a dry rag.

Tip 4 – Understand Prices: If you take this advice and stay away from MDF, particle board, and veneers, and stick to solid pine, oak or other solid woods for your farm table you should find that going with a custom dining table solution will be comparable in price to going with a big box retail store. For example pottery barn's "Keaton Extending Dining Table" which measures fixed 72" long x 40" wide x 30" high is priced at $1599. Alternatively, a custom dining table solution, with the same fixed dimensions of 72" long x 40"wide x 30" high, buying from eCustomFinishes a leading builder of custom farm tables, for example will cost about $185 less, at $1415.

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