Spring is a magical time. The world is being reborn, the snow is melting away, the Earth is beginning to warm. There is a natural tendency to want to throw open the windows and head outside for your own rebirth.
A popular new trend is the "planting" of a Dum Dums® Lollipop Garden, often taking place in conjunction with egg hunts and other Easter-related activities. Children plant jellybeans under the watchful supervision of their parents, and in the morning, voila! A Dum Dums Lollipop Garden has grown up in that space. In addition to building a grand new tradition, parents have the opportunity to teach their children the joys of gardening.
"What begins as a fun activity becomes a special moment between parents and their children," said Evan Brock, director of marketing at Spangler Candy Company, the makers of Dum Dums Lollipops. "Planting a Dum Dums Garden is a magical experience, and will be the kind of tradition that will last for generations. In addition, the magic of a Dum Dums Garden can be translated to an appreciation of gardening as a whole. It can be an opportunity for learning about plants and the environment, and the start of a lifelong tradition of gardening."
Kids typically view the garden as a magical place where you can get dirty and watch things grow. Sharing that experience with their parents and other family members can enhance the emotional connection they have – to the tradition as well as to the garden. "The earliest exposure to the garden – whether it's in helping parents to garden or in planting their first Dum Dums Garden – can help them develop a love for helping things to grow," said Brock. "This improves exponentially when kids participate in other gardening activities as they grow up."
Spangler Candy Company is celebrating the Dum Dums Garden this spring, with a full range of opportunities to highlight the efforts of Dum Dums "gardeners." "We are showcasing many of the creative and unique Dum Dums Gardens we have seen through Pinterest and other real-time channels," said Brock. "In addition, we'll be offering tips and guidance to parents, crafters and teachers who want to create their own gardens." Photos, videos, directions for building a unique Dum Dums Garden and all types of gardening tips will be available online; visit http://www.dumdumpops.com/media for more information.
"We want to share the experience of family Dum Dums Gardens," he said. "It's a magical way to welcome spring, an opportunity to build a family tradition, and a way to build a lifelong appreciation of the beauty of gardening."
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